10 incredible facts about Yucatán
We love Yucatán, and you love Yucatán. But if your friends are like ours, some of them need a simple list to understand what drives our passion for this peninsula.
From our friends at the Matador Network, who always have a interesting angle on world travel, a list of 10 things that make Yucatán an incredible place.
1. Did you know that dinosaurs became extinct here?
The asteroid that wiped out the large reptiles hit what is now Chicxulub, 66 million years ago. Currently there is a mission of scientists from different countries on the high seas, exploring this area.
2. The habanero is one of the hottest in the world.
And we do not mean just because it’s Yucatecan! On the Scoville heat scale, a pepper banana scores 100 to 500 Scoville units, and the habanero … 350,000 to 580,000!! Be very careful when you visit us …
3. Did you know that cenotes are unique in the world?
Do you remember the first item on this list? Well, thanks to the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, we have cenotes in the Yucatán. The cenotes are a network of interconnected underground rivers. Mysterious and fun. Thanks, asteroid!
4. Yucatán was once the wealthiest place in the world.
Perhaps henequen now know is a craft, but in the nineteenth century, Yucatecans and their estates were responsible for providing the important rope fiber, also called sisal, to the world. Unfortunately all the opulence ended with the advent of synthetic fibers.
5. Most people sleep on hammocks
In Yucatán, from the most modest home to the largest they have a place to hang a hammock. With a temperature of 39-40 degrees, believe us that the mattress is not the best option. Some use them to relax, others to spend the night, but no doubt anyone who has not slept in a hammock has not been in Yucatán.
6. The first church in the Americas is in Yucatán.
Built between 1562 and 1599, the cathedral of San Ildefonso in Mérida is the oldest in continental America. This architectural work shows off its imposing walls in the so-called Plaza Grande in the historic center of the city of Mérida.
7. Yucatán is home to the longest pier in the world.
It was built between 1937 and 1939 in Puerto Progreso and although at first was two kilometers long, today it is more than eight kilometers. If you are one of those unbelievers, open your Google maps and see for yourself. The pier has witnessed countless sporting events, international visitors and even concerts.
#maestro #armandomanzanero en vivo!
A photo posted by Iván Zambrano (@ivanmzambrano) on
8. Did you know that Armando Manzanero, besides being Yucatecan, is one of the greatest composers of romantic music in Latin America?
He has composed more than 400 songs and many of them have been translated into other languages. Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett are just some of the international personalities who have shared the music and lyrics of maestro Manzanero all over the world.
Si al visitar Chichén Itzá tú estás feliz salta así ???????? la foto es de @alberto_maffei
A photo posted by Chichén Itzá Turismo (@chichenitzaturismo) on
9. Yucatan has one of the new 7 wonders of the world
Among 78 finalists, only seven were the winners and the result was announced on July 7, 2007. Chichén Itzá was chosen not only for its iconic pyramid, but for the enigmas and magic that comprise the entire archaeological site.
De cuando fuimos independientes…
A photo posted by CLAUGIANN (@claugiann) on
10. This was once the Republic of Yucatan
When someone says that Yucatan is another country, it’s kind of true, and that the customs and local idiosyncrasies could easily define us this was as well. The Republic of Yucatán existed between 1841 and 1848, during which a de facto separation between the state of Yucatán and Mexico began. That’s why even today you can buy souvenirs and merchandise with the banner of “The Sister Republic of Yucatán.”
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