11 Mérida police officers complete English lessons with ‘London House’

Mérida, Yucatán — Eleven municipal police concluded a basic-English course taught by their own London House Academy in coordination with the Directorate of Economic Promotion and Tourism.
The London House Academy program helps police serve foreign visitors whose Spanish isn’t up to par.
The graduates met with Capt. Mario Arturo Romero Escalante; Enrique Dominguez León, deputy director of tourism and economic promotion; and the teacher, Sofia Ruth Mitchell, to demonstrate what they learned.
After the officers recited English-language dialogue, a reporter at the meeting noted their fluency.
On behalf of the agents participating in the course, Officer Ricardo Burgos Ramírez thanked officials for the training. The course is a sign that the city cares that its visitors are treated well.
Dominguez León said English-language proficiency is becoming increasingly important because the increasing number of foreign visitors in Yucatán.
In 2017, more 150,000 English-speaking tourists visited the state, compared to 2016, a result of ambitious promotional campaigns, he said.
Romero Escalante said he was pleasantly surprised by the progress his officers made in class.
The important thing, he added, is that they put into practice what they have learned without fearing mistakes. Engaging in conversation with tourists generates trust, he said.
Romero Escalante has also noted that the training benefits the officers personally, as well.
Source: Press release

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