14-year-old Yucatecan kiteboarder wins race in Sisal

Photo: Asociación Yucateca de Kiteboard A.C.
Photo: Asociación Yucateca de Kiteboard A.C.

Sisal, Yucatán — Strong winds swept the beach marking spectacular day of kitesurfing in the beautiful port of Sisal on Sunday.

A weekend kiteboarding festival brought together more than 35 participants of Quintana Roo, Campeche, Nayarit, Jalisco, Tabasco, Baja California Sur and Yucatán; and of the countries of Brazil, Italy and Venezuela.

Three very exciting races saw one of the younger competitors on top. Mario Hernández, 14, from Yucatán, beat Ivan Acosta of Venezuela (second place) and Renato Balbino of Brazil (third place).

Photo: Asociación Yucateca de Kiteboard A.C.
Photo: Asociación Yucateca de Kiteboard A.C.

Then came an exhibition of women’s freestyle kiteboarding, with the participation of Roberta Sepúlveda (Chile), Cristina Repetto (Yucatán) and Bellatrix Martínez (Venezuela) who not only raised applause, but also some appreciative gasps.

At the end of the exhibition is made the semi-finals of the freestyle open, pitting Luis Diego (Baja California Sur) against Angel Rojas (Tabasco) and Erick Anderson (Brazil) and Miguel Tamayo (Q. Roo). Anderson and Rojas staged an exciting heat.

The final results of the freestyle are:
First place: Erick Anderson (Brazil)
Second place: Angel Rojas (Tabasco)
Third place: Luis Diego (Baja California Sur)

Photo: Asociación Yucateca de Kiteboard A.C.
Photo: Asociación Yucateca de Kiteboard A.C.

To close the day and due to the fact that the wind was still blowing dramatically, the competition went old school: High jumps with some truck or stunt.

Of 12 participants, the following took top awards:

First place: Renato Balbinus (Brazil)
Second place: Erick Anderson (Brazil)
Third place: Julian Llanes (Q. Roo)

Read more on the Yucatán Kiteboard Association page.

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