
2-billion-peso container plant nearly ready to open

A new high-tech container factory brings 250 new jobs to Yucatán. Photo: State press office

Hunucmá, Yucatán — Envases Universales opens its 2-billion-peso container plant on Thursday, July 13, creating 250 new jobs.

The international company’s newest factory will produce 2 billion cans annually, about half of which will be exported to the Cuban market through Progreso’s Puerto de Altura, said the state secretary of economic development, Ernesto Herrera Novelo.

The plant, whose name translates to Universal Containers, is next to the new Modelo brewery outside Mérida.

Envases Universales has innovative technologies in robotics, logistics and production, making for high-quality jobs in Yucatán, said Herrera Novelo.

So the plant won’t just hire factory workers. The state official said that the opening of the plant brings career opportunities for college graduates with the right degrees.

Envases Universales has 45 manufacturing facilities and five distribution centers in Mexico, the United States, Guatemala, Panama, Denmark, Sweden and South Korea.

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