
2 grim milestones: Coronavirus deaths exceed 2,000 and infections pass 15,000

A “Friend of Health” worker shares disinfectant hand gel with a person waiting for a bus. Photo: Courtesy

New daily coronavirus cases jumped by roughly 60% to reach a total of 15,085 since March, including 157 announced Tuesday by Yucatan health officials.

The number of people recovering from the illness increased to 99 to reach 11,884. The overall recovery rate remains just short of 80%.

But deaths totaled 22, bringing fatalities past 2,000 — to 2,019 to be exact — since the first COVID-19 death was announced in April.

Hospitalizations remained steady as well, declining by one for a total of 352 patients. The other 830 current coronavirus patients are recovering at home under strict monitoring. Patients range in age from 1 month to 99 years.

Not counted were the patients under surveillance who are awaiting test results.

The numbers were reported as Yucatan lifted its dry law, allowing home delivery of a limited quantity of beer, wine and liquor. The state also opened shopping malls and movie theaters.

Of the new cases, 17 were in Merida, 14 were in Valladolid and seven were marked as “foreigners,” which could mean they are from another state or another country. Another six were in Umán, four in Kanasín and Tizimín, two in Abalá, Buctzotz, Panabá and Temozón, and one in Chicxulub Pueblo, Dzan, Hunucmá, Motul, Tunkás, Uayma and Yobaín.

Those who perished included 15 men and 7 women as young as 38 and as old as 86.

Nine of the fatalities were Merida residents, another three in Valladolid, two in Tizimín, one “foreign” and one each in Acanceh, Conkal, Cuzamá, Homún, Kanasín, Oxkutzcab and Umán.

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