2 Yucatecans in California die from coronavirus infection

Of the 181 Mexican migrants who have lost their lives in the United States due to COVID-19 virus, two are Yucatecan, a man from Oxkutzcab and a woman from Santa Elena.
Both were California residents for many years, said Eric Villanueva Mukul, director of the Institute of Development of the Mayan Culture of Yucatan (Indemaya), and the first to report the fatalities.
Relatives in Yucatan have requested support and information on how to repatriate the ashes of their loved ones, said Villanueva Mukul.
For now, under the coronavirus health contingency, no bodies can be transferred between the U.S. and Mexico, he said. Both countries will have to agree that conditions are safe before remains are sent south.
The SRE indicated that Mexican COVID-19 fatalities in the U.S. are: New York, 149; Illinois, 7; California, 3 (including the two Yucatecan origin); New Jersey, 3; Wisconsin, 2; Georgia, 2; Washington, 1; Colorado, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; Indiana, 1, and Kentucky, 1.
The same agency establishes that Mexican migrants originate from: Zacatecas, Michoacán, Guanajuato, Chihuahua, Tamaulipas, Sonora, Baja California, Puebla, Veracruz, Nuevo León, Yucatán, Jalisco and Durango.
In a statement, the Mexican Foreign Ministry clarified that its figures come from the Mexican consulates in the United States, so that “the numbers could be higher.”
The SRE report establishes: “in recent weeks, the Mexican consular network in the United States has reported an increase in the number of cases of Mexican people who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who have died from this disease.”
Around 11 million Mexicans live in the U.S., of which 5 million are undocumented; 8% do not have access to health services.

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