3.9 quake on the Yucatán Peninsula leaves no injuries or damage

Mexico’s National Seismological Service reported an earthquake Sunday on the Yucatán Peninsula. No injuries or structural damage were reported.
The magnitude 3.9 tremor at 6:32 p.m. was first thought to be centered near Kanasín, southeast of Mérida. That was later corrected, but still, local residents indicated that while they had not felt the tremor they heard “strange noises in the sky.”
The epicenter was later updated to have been in José Maria Morelos, just over the state line in Quintana Roo.
Kanasín authorities asked the population to be calm and avoid spreading false information.
Related: Mexico’s earthquake station is abandoned, with no explanation
However, the National Seismological Service reported that the epicenter of the earthquake was located in Yucatecan territory: 26 kilometers southeast of Peto.
On the other side of the country, a 6.1 earthquake shook the Baja Peninsula early Friday with no reports of damage or injuries.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter was 50 miles / 80 kilometers south-southwest of Bahia de Kino in the Gulf of California. The earthquake occurred at a depth of 6.2 miles / 10 kilometers.
Three tremors in Yucatán have been recorded in the last five years. The peninsula is more likely to have felt the effects of a more distant seismic event.

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