3 times more women are elected to mayor’s office in Yucatán
Mérida, Yucatán — The July 1 election seems to have sent three times more women to municipal leadership in Yucatán than in 2015.
The election results are expected to be validated by officials this week.
Three years ago, eight women were elected as mayors in Yucatán; last Sunday, voters favored 28.
In October 2017, election officials approved guidelines to guarantee compliance with the Gender Parity Principle in this year’s elections. The guidelines established that political parties should register at least 50 percent of women on their ballots in municipalities where they had the possibility of winning.
Breaking down the preliminary victories by party, 23 were PRI candidates, four were PAN and one was nominated by the Nueva Alianza (PANAL).
The “tricolor” PRI winners are in: Baca, Guadalupe Pech Basto; Bokobá, Ruby Sosa Pérez; Buctzotz, Margarita Sánchez Medrano; Cacalchén, Abigail Pérez Vázquez; Calotmul, Leticia Camelo Huchín; Celestún, Yulma García Casanova; Cenotillo, Marta Núñez Polanco; Conkal, Hiselle Díaz del Castillo Canché; Cuzamá, María Antonia Zapata Maas; Chicxulub Pueblo, Guadalupe Canto Ale; Dzitás, Miriam Rosado Koh; Dzoncauich, Gloria Paz Cohuó; Ixil, Sandra Tec Yam; Kantunil, María Che Pech; Mama, María Inés Pacheco Poot; Maxcanú, Reyna Marlene Catzin Cih; Mocochá, Luz María Aguilar Cruz; San Felipe, Juana Baltazar Santos; Sotuta, Reina Isabel Yam; Teabo, Fabiola Loeza Novelo; Tekantó, Liliana Araujo Lara; Timucuy, Seydi Canul Uicab and Uayma, Yamili Cupul Vázquez.
The PAN winners are Dorca Chan May, Manuela Canché Chablé, Lizbeth Cauich Puch and Neyda Heredia Leal, who were elected to head the municipalities of Cantamayec, Sacalum, Seyé and Tahmek, respectively. The candidate Natalia Mis Mex claimed victory in Tinum with the PANAL.
In Xocchel, Leydi Castro Gamboa, of the PRD, and in Sanahcat the PRI’s Landi Gamboa Moo both appeared to win, but in both communities violent incidents during and after Election Day resulted in damage to the ballots. Officials are considering a new vote.
If the victories in Sanahcat and Xocchel go through, 26.41 percent of Yucatán’s municipalities will be be governed by women.
Source: El Universal
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