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30 more restaurants to open before end of 2017

The view from a relative newcomer, Napoli Mia Restaurante in Santa Ana. Photo: Facebook

Mérida, Yucatán — The state’s economic growth is three times faster than the rest of the country’s, and nothing reflects this more than the number of new restaurants.

At least 30 new dining establishments will open in Yucatán before the end of the year, said Carlos Campos Achach, the president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Food Industry (Canirac).

“Yucatán now has a growth, economically speaking, of almost six percent, and there are new hotels, about 29, and in the seven or eight shopping centers that are already under construction, we will have many restaurant openings,” he said, as reported in Punto Medio.

Both the state and city governments have streamlined the process to approve new businesses, he said.

“There has been a lot of improvement in the culture of regulatory processs, although opening a restaurant today can take from two weeks to six months,” Campos Achach said. “There are temporary licenses to allow (a business) to work without problems while obtaining the definitive license, which in truth, as an entrepreneur, I thank you.”

While payroll is a business owner’s biggest expense, around 25 percent of an entrepreneur’s budget can go to taxes and permits.

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