30% of youth in Yucatán experiencing gradual hearing loss

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Yucatán seems to thrive on loud music, television and radio. So much so, in fact, that 30 percent of young people in the state are gradually losing their hearing.

According to an epidemiological report from the state Ministry of Health, from July 8 to 14, 161 new cases of otitis, or swimmer’s ear, were reported, amounting to a total of 3,183 cases so far this year.

The director of the Otica Hearing Center encourages the population to avoid excessive noise and get an annual hearing check.

“We have cases in which from age 8, 10 and 13 years, the patient has profound hearing loss,” said Hiram Cardoso Villaseñor.

“We realize that they begin to have problems when they arrive at the house and they turn up the volume to the television and they even communicate with others shouting,” he explained.

Given this, Cardoso Villaseñor stressed the need to create auditory prevention programs in schools that explain to children and young people how sound works and how to protect the ear.

“The music is beautiful, but you have to listen to it at a certain decibel. We must not subject our ears to excesses like those that can occur when attending a public party in which there are giant speakers or the use of headphones at an excessive volume,” he said.

The specialist says it is important not to put objects in the ear, which can lead to infections,”said Cardoso Villaseñor. Bad cleaning technique can produce fungi in the ears, so he asked the population not to clean themselves with cotton swabs, much less with keys or any other object that is exposed to thousands of microbes.

Source: Punto Medio

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