Rain, glorious rain, finally comes to a parched Centro

Photo: Sipse

Rainfall, promised by weather forecasters for days, finally hit the Centro late Tuesday afternoon, and residents responded with a happy dance.

And the rainfall was light, cool and suitable for happy-dancing.

It was a long time coming, breaking 70 days of no precipitation in the Centro. Residents were frustrated when two earlier storms just barely brushed past the city, although the rain was a relief to farmers and citizens in the south.

Between a quarter and nearly half an inch of rain fell in Merida by 7 p.m., according to meteorologists, the heaviest drenching since Jan. 20.

Lightning and some thunder accompanied the scattered showers. The rain was then followed by cooler overnight temperatures, what is referred to by some as “good sleeping weather.”

Weather is notoriously hard to predict in Yucatan, and forecasts have been frustratingly off the mark all week. Still, CONAGUA officials say more rain is coming this week. Weather.com’s seven-day outlook shows only sun and a return to heat and humidity, however.

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