A Christmas tradition continues: Longer hours for liquor sales

La Europea and other stores like it can stay open longer each Sunday in December. Photo: File

Mérida, Yucatán — Merry Christmas, beer lovers. Happy Holidays, cocktail connoisseurs. And Feliz Navidad, wine drinkers. Here’s your present: More time to buy beer, liquor and wine.

Sunday alcohol sales are normally prohibited after 5 p.m., but each December, retailers are allowed to stay open until 10 p.m. on Sundays.

Each year, the local Chamber of Commerce petitions the government to expand sale hours for the holidays, and each year, they get their wish.

The rule applies to closed containers and has nothing to do with drinks served in restaurants or bars.

In December the demand for beer, wine and liquor increases while families host parties. Longer hours are not just a convenience to customers, but to help retailers recover from slow sales the previous months.

Source: Press release

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