Noche Blanca returns with art and music all around

Mérida, Yucatán — The historic center’s sprawling celebration of art and culture returns Saturday, June 10, officials announced today.
The mayor and other city officials announced La Noche Blanca 2017 at a press conference, broadcast live on Facebook, at the La Cúpula Cultural Center.
The event will fill more than 72 venues, including parks, theaters, museums and galleries with, at last count, 154 activities and 733 artists, most of them Yucatecan. The schedule is active from 8 p.m. until 2 in the morning.
The music-filled announcement was joined by José Luis Martínez Semerena, president of the council of culture of the city council; Felipe Ahumada Vasconcelos, director of culture; Diana Castillo Castro, director of La Cúpula, and the directors of the business chambers, Pedro Enrique Góngora Medina and Carlos Campos Achach.
Diana Castillo expressed her satisfaction at participating in the cultural meeting.

“I’ve been a fan of La Noche Blanca from the beginning,” she said.
The restaurant sector will also have a significant participation in this year’s edition. Carlos Campos, director of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Food Industry (Canirac), revealed that attendees can enjoy numerous discounts and promotions at more than 100 participating restaurants.
Among the highlights of La Noche Blanca are concerts by Armando Manzanero and Aranza, which will take place at midnight in the big square, the young pop singer Mario Bautista, who is just 21 and a social media sensation.

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