Ancient arch at Mejorada looks brand new

Arco de Dragones at Calle 50 and 61, before and now. Photos, from left: Wikipedia Commons, Mérida en la Historia Facebook page
Arco de Dragones at Calle 50 and 61, before and now. Photos, from left: Wikimedia Commons, Mérida en la Historia Facebook page

Mérida, Yucatán — The 325-year-old Arco de Dragones near Mejorada Park doesn’t look a day over 30. You could say, in fact, that it looks brand new.

The city’s restoration of the city’s famed arches is showing results.

Next, Arco del Puente and San Juan arches are scheduled for similar plaster and paint work. Work at Arco de Dragones started in mid-April and is winding down now.

Earlier, power lines were buried along the street, making for more of a picture-postcard view of the historic site.

The arches were built circa 1690 under the government of Gen. Juan José de la Bárcena, who intended them to be city gates.

The work is being conducted by the Asociación Yucateca de Especialistas en Restauración y Conservación del Patrimonio Edificado A.C., under supervision of INAH, the historic protection agency.

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