Ancient Maya stela uncovered from its resting place at Uxmal

Left undisturbed for an unknown number of years, a Maya stela depicting a god and a goddess was discovered at Uxmal in the Yucatán peninsula.
The monument, which possibly represents the duality between life and death, was found by a team led by archeologist José Huchim Herrera.
“The importance of the discovery lies in the fact that it was found ‘in situ,” never having been removed from the sunken patio of the ancient city, said INAH.
The north-facing side of the monument features the figure of a bare-chested goddess with big eyes, depictions common in the Puuc and Chenes cultural regions in the southern Yucatán peninsula. The south-facing side shows the image of a god with a feathered headdress and cape, holding a cane in his left hand.
The discovery was part of a project to recover artifacts that could fall in the path of the Mayan Train.
Founded in 700 CE, Uxmal is along the Puuc Route, a collection of five ancient sites, and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996.
Sources: INAH, La Jornada Maya

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