Another bus catches fire in Mérida, raising safety concerns

Public transit users are decrying the pitiful condition of buses in Mérida, as the second unit goes up in flames in just over a week. Photo: Courtesy

A short circuit in the electrical systems of a passenger bus has been blamed for yet another fire on Mérida’s roads. 

According to preliminary reports, nobody was seriously injured, but by the time firefighters arrived on the scene the vehicle had been completely consumed by flames.

The bus was traveling on its way to Uman along Avenida Itzaés when the driver noticed the situation and pulled over so that passenger could evacuate. 

Today’s accident appears to be a near carbon copy of an incident last week involving a bus full of construction workers on their way from the nearby town of Teabo.

Earlier: A leak in a Tabasco Pemex oil pipeline causes disastrous fire

These types of fires are nothing new, but now appear to be occurring with increased frequency. 

“The second bus fire in a week? You have to be kidding me? Why have authorities not done something already. These things are clearly death traps,” said a Mérida local, Lourdes Mendoza, on Facebook. 

City officials have yet to comment, but critics of the municipal government are calling for an inspection of all public transit vehicles.

According to the INEGI, roughly 25% of Mérida’s population, or 250,000 people use public transit on a daily or nearly daily basis.

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