Beer truck overturns to avoid hitting accident victim

A beer truck lost its cargo after flipping to avoid hitting an injured pedestrian. Photo: Sipse video

Merida, Yucatan — A delivery truck filled with cases of beer overturned Monday after avoiding hitting the victim of another accident.

The driver swerved to avoid hitting an injured accident victim lying in the street, reported Sipse. The victim apparently was struck by a hit-and-run driver.

Cases of beer that spilled on Calle 108 at Col. Sambulá were cordoned off and guarded by police in Col. Sambulá at Calle 108.

The truck overturned on its left side, scattering cases of beer as far as 10 meters away. The driver was not said to be injured while the condition of the hit-and-run victim was not reported.

Source: Sipse

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