
Yucatán’s Best Places to Eat and Drink: What Our Readers Say

We asked our readers to vote on their favorite places to eat and drink in Yucatán. We learned a lot as over 4,000 readers chose the Top 2 or 3 in each of over 20 categories. Some votes were soooooo close, and some were a total surprise. But here we go.

Special thanks to Tracey Hughes for her outreach to many of the winners.

Breakfast & Brunch

La Libertad in Mérida
La Libertad (including its Calle 47 branch seen here) was tops for brunch in our readers’ eyes. Photo: Patricia Robert / Yucatán Magazine

La Libertad

An old casona on the Gastronomic Corridor is now a worthy participant in the Calle 47 brunch war. They have a huge menu, but we recommend anything with poblano chiles. See our Food on 47 Guide starting on page 18 for more details.


Marmalade 47


El Remate Café



Wayan'e tacos in Mérida
The Wayan’e on Calle 59, Mérida. Photo: Patricia Robert / Yucatán Magazine


This is where the blue-collar workers go, the ones who need sustenance to lay the bricks, bury the pipes and pour the cement. Go before 2 p.m. because these guys eat fast, and Wayan’e doesn’t believe in cooking second batches.  

FB: @WayaneChenku

La Lupita at Mercado Santiago was a winner in the Yucatán Magazine “Best of” poll. Photo: Tracey Hughes

La Lupita 

IG: @taquerialalupitacom

Los Trompos



La Susana panuchos
The original La Susana in Kanasin is closed, but the legend lives on in Altabrisa and Francisco de Montejo. Photo: Courtesy

La Susana Internacional

Their most famous location in Kanasín was a pandemic casualty, but Altabrisa and Francisco de Montejo locations keep the legend alive. They are the runaway favorite for panuchos, sopa de lima and other traditional Yucatecan dishes.

999-193-3122, or on Rappi / UberEats

Taquería El Amanecer

FB: @taqueriaelamanecer1

La Casa Del Panucho

FB: @labendiciondediosmerida

Coffee Shop

Márago was voted best café i
Márago was voted best café in Yucatán. Photo: Tracy Hughes

Márago Coffee

On Paseo de Montejo and Calle 60, this café serves breakfast, lunch and dinner from a broad menu. Great for socializing or burying yourself in your laptop. Customers do both.

IG: @maragocoffee.mx

Arista Barista

IG: @aristabarista_mid

Manifesto Coffee



Flamante Burgers’ unique beef-patty blend was our readers’ top choice in Mérida, Yucatán. Photo: Courtesy

Flamante Burgers

Over 45% of voters picked this friendly, independently owned restaurant whose secret beef mix has garnered rave reviews since it opened over five years ago. Flamante Burgers introduced fried chicken sandwiches this year and expanded its fresh salad menu. Side note: When we had a launch party for a recent issue, the vegan quinoa burger went as quickly as the one with meat.




Bryan’s Burger Bar


Fine Dining

Oliva is Best in Yucatan for fine dining
Oliva Enoteca was our readers’ top choice for fine dining. Photo: Patricia Robert / Yucatán Magazine

Oliva Enoteca

The first to plant its flag in what was to be Calle 47’s “restaurant row,” Oliva Enoteca hasn’t lost its edge. Not just for pasta or pizza (see below) but for the overall experience.


Micaela Mar & Leña


Yerba Santa



Stefano Marcelletti at Pizzeria Oliva
Stefano Marcelletti at Pizzeria Oliva. Photo: Patricia Robert / Yucatán Magazine

Pizzeria Oliva

Our survey was released only five months after Oliva’s second pizzeria opened just steps from Enoteca. They are known for a wide and creative selection of toppings and an artisan dough made with “00” flour imported from Italy and fermented for 48 hours. Pizza Neo, in second place, is also relatively new, selling by the slice, Coney Island boardwalk style, on the Remate.  


Pizza Neo


Tie: Pizza E Core / Eskondida Pizza / Pizzeria Raffaello

IG: @pizzaecoremeridayucatan / @eskondidapizza@pizzeriaraffaello

Bar / Pub

La Negrita in Mérida, Yucatán
La Negrita was the top bar / pub in Yucatán Magazine’s readers’ poll. Photo: Patricia Robert / Yucatán Magazine

La Negrita

A self-described “dive bar” that seems to have redefined the Mérida cantina. It’s trendy, youthful, and filled with good vibes.  


Hennessy’s Irish Pub

FB: @hirishpub



Fish & Chips

Sean Hennessy and his famous fish and chips

Hennessy’s Irish Pub

Battered cod and steak fries with slaw? Yes, please. For expats, the ultimate taste of home is authentic pub food, and that means a trip to Mérida’s homiest pub, our readers say. 

FB: @hirishpub

Silver Fish

IG: @silverfishmx

Taste at Lou’s


Vegetarian / Vegan Eats

El Apapacho is Yucatán's best place for vegetarian food
El Apapacho. Photo: Courtesy

El Apapacho

The menu isn’t totally vegetarian, but its plant-based Mexican cuisine pleases its customers — and they are loyal. The place is known for its laid-back vibe and cool library in front. 

FB: @elapapacho

Organico Bar de Café & Cocina

IG: @organicomerida


IG: @jajajanacafe

Comfort Food

Boston’s, a sports bar chain from Canada, has won over our readers for comfort food. Photo: Tracey Hughes


Four locations and a wide choice of sports bar noshes made this Canadian chain restaurant part of the quick-casual scene. 


Hennessy’s Irish Pub

FB: @hirishpub

Zinc Comfort Food

FB: @zinccomfortfoodmerida

Chinese Food


This three-branch Comida China chain, with its steam table and takeout service, beat out several gourmet Asian restaurants. We are obviously nostalgic for the shopping mall food court.

Various locations

Meishi Mao

IG: @meishi.mao

Oriental City


Thai Food

La Casa de los Lotos in Baca — one of the few top picks outside of Mérida — won our “Best of” poll for Thai food. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht / Yucatán Magazine

La Casa de los Lotos

Readers find the trip to Baca worth it for the fresh rice and curry dishes and to visit the magnificent network of koi ponds.

IG: the_lotus_house_baca

Bangkok Casa Thai

FB: @Bangkokmx-Casa-Thai


IG: @thaithaimid


Pan & Kof.feé topped the Yucatán Magazine “Best” list for its high-quality baked goods. Photo: Tracey Hughes

Pan & Kof.feé

It’s stunning to watch the day’s croissants, rolls, and sweet breads in production in the sealed workroom loft protected from Mérida’s humidity. The extra step obviously pays off. 

IG: @panandkoffee




IG: @escargotpanaderiaartesanal


Tere Cazola

Teresa Cazola is a real person with an inspiring story. In the 1980s, Tere was a school teacher with a sideline, selling baked goods from her kitchen. Now, her cakes are sold across Mexico.




El Globo


Craft Brewery


We have watched this small local brand go big, and now they’re served in numerous locations around Mérida. Consider that not that long ago, the craft beer scene here was virtually nil. 

FB: @CervezaPatito

Cerveza Ceiba





Texas Roadhouse Mérida
The crowded parking lot already told us that Texas Roadhouse is a hit in Mérida. Photo: Tracy Hughes

Texas Roadhouse

Who would have thought a chain from Indiana (not Texas) would sweep the more upscale competition here? Readers love the price points and the festive, friendly atmosphere. 


130° Steakhouse





The Fiesta Americana buffet takes the lead by a nose. in Yucatán Magazine’s readers poll. Photo: Courtesy

Café Montejo

An upset! Fiesta Americana’s vast buffet beat Hyatt’s Peregrina Bistro across the street by 15 points. Ouch! 


Peregrina Bistro

IG: hyattregencymerida

Roast Chicken

Pollo Brujo

The “Wizard Chicken” looks like a home-grown enterprise, but it’s bigger than it seems. It has 10 locations as far away as Costa Rica. But it’s a family tradition in Yucatán. 


Pollo Feliz


Outdoor Dining (with a view)

Picheta’s roof terrace has unmatched views of the Cathedral and Plaza Grande in Mérida. That’s why it a Yucatán Magazine “Best of” winner. Photo: Courtesy

Picheta / Plaza Grande and the Cathedral

A lot of restaurants with a view like this would rest on their haunches, but not Picheta. Diners agree.


La Terraza / El Remate and the Paseo de Montejo


Apoala / Parque Sta. Lucia


Food Stall / Truck

La Lupita in Santiago’s market was a fan favorite in the Yucatán Magazine readers’ poll. Photo: Patricia Robert / Yucatán Magazine

La Lupita / Mercado Santiago

As seen on Netflix and other media, La Lupita has expanded and is considered a legend for authentic flavors today. Plus, cochinita and lechon just taste better in an open-air market.

IG: @taquerialalupitacom

Negro Gil / Mercado Santa Ana

+52 999-181-5232

Taquería Don Beto / Parque de Las Amerícas

FB: @TortasParquedelasAmericas

Ice Cream or Gelato

SorbeterÍía El Colón has the loyalty of generations of Yucatecos. Photo: Patricia Robert / Yucatán Magazine

Sorbetería El Colón

A Yucatán tradition since 1907. Families and couples fill the sidewalk tables for frozen treats from sapote, mamey, and tamarind. Be sure to tip the musician.  


Korean Grill & Ice Cream

FB: @koreangrillandicecream

Pola Gelato Shop


Polo’s gelato won top honors in Yucatán Magazine’s readers’ poll. Photo: Tracey Hughes

Next up, our readers’ favorite spas, doctors, and salons.

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