
Businesses last longer in Yucatán, compared to neighbors

Graduation rings and perfume are sold by small businesses in Valladolid, Yucatán. On average, businesses in Yucatán fare better than in neighboring states. Photo: Getty Images

Mérida, Yucatán — Businesses have a statistically better chance of lasting longer in Yucatán than they would in neighboring states.

The average life span of a business in Yucatán is 9.1 years, but only five years in Quintana Roo and 7.4 in Campeche, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography.

The comparison doesn’t reflect the risk any entrepreneur faces, even in busy Mérida.

For every 10 establishments that open in Yucatán, three do not last even a year, said Alejandro Illescas Fernández, director of the National Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, in an interview published in Milenio Novedades.

The shorter life span in the other peninsular states is attributed to security problems, he said. Businesses in Quintana Roo and Campeche also depend more on a cyclical tourist economy, he added. 

Despite inflation, Mérida continues to attract entrepreneurs, said Juan José Abraham Dáguer, president of the Canaco-Servitur business guild.  

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