‘Cabecitas Blancas’ program will reunite Yucatecan families in the U.S.

The Cabecitas Blancas lets parents visit their grown children in the United States. Photo: Courtesy

Rafael Chimal Hau still remembers his four sons and daughters, whom he has not seen for 25 years. 

In his mind, he still sees them at his house in Peto, playing, running, helping him in the field and laughing. Although their absence left a void in the home and in his heart, he always knew that their move to California was for the best because Peto offered few opportunities.

Now, after more than two decades, he will finally be reunited with his children for two months. His face lights up just thinking about it.

Don Rafael is part of the 97 beneficiaries, from 23 communities in Yucatan, under Cabecitas Blancas, a state-run program that reunites families split by migration to the United States.

Gov. Mauricio Vila Dosal said that in addition to this program, in the medium term, they will open state government offices in the United States, starting in San Francisco, and then in Los Angeles, exclusively for migrants from Yucatan.

Officials will also aid Yucatecan migrants with their legal, financial and cultural issues. The office will also help their children, who were born in the U.S., learn about Yucatecan traditions.

“We will continue working so they can see their children, meet their grandchildren, their daughters-in-law,” The governor told the attendees in the Mayamax Room of the Great Museum of the Mayan World.

In addition to seeing their relatives again, older adults can visit places and attractions in the cities of the United States, and enjoy various activities for them in the company of their children.

Cabecitas Blancas is operated by the Institute for the Development of Culture Maya of the State of Yucatan, or Indemaya.

Photo: La Jornada Maya

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