Casa Palomitos is the kind of colonial property that’s become rare
A fixer with amazing wow features, Casa Palomitos is grand, gorgeous, and needs some love.
Unspoiled Colonial fixers on a wide property used to be pretty common in the Centro, but they’re increasingly rare. This one is in Santiago on the border with García Gineres on Calle 82.
Among its many features are pristine, original pasta tiles, high ceilings, a welcoming small front garden, and a large rear yard.
Casa Palomitos has a living room, dining room, kitchen, service room, three bedrooms and two bathrooms, all waiting to be updated.
By the numbers
- Lot Width: 13.7 mts | 44.947508 feet
- Lot Length: 50 mts| 164.042 feet
- Living Area: 204 sq m | 2195.8356 sq ft
- Lot Size: 886 sq m | 9536.8154 sq ft
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
Casa Palomitos is offered at US$299,000 by Merida Living Real Estate. Contact Carlos Betancourt at 999-200-5794 or
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