Cases decline: 50 infections and 8 fatalities in 24 hours

The week ended with 74 daily coronavirus infections on average, 29 fewer than the week before, Yucatan health department reports indicate. Average daily COVID-related deaths remained stable at seven.
Doctors at Saturday’s briefing reported 50 new infections and eight fatalities. Those who died ranged in age from 53 and 83 and had co-morbidities, a health department doctor said. Three were from Merida and two were from Valladolid while the rest came from Dzidzantún, Sudzal and Tizimín.
The dramatic decline in new cases is in contrast with last Saturday’s news. Five consecutive weeks of declines were interrupted last week when infections rose slightly.
Since March, 19,358 positive cases have been detected in Yucatan, with 83% recovering. Deaths, which began in April, total 2,376.
New cases included 35 in Merida, three in Ticul and Valladolid, and one in Chichimilá, Hunucmá, Kanasín, Maxcanú, Muna, Oxkutzcab, Temozón, Tizimín and Tzucacab.
Of the active cases, 669 patients are stable and isolated at home while 147 are hospitalized, two fewer than the day before. The age range of positive cases remains from one month to 99 years.

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