Cenote Xlacah yields more Mayan artifacts and remains

Mérida, Yucatán — Rubble from pre-Hispanic buildings, ceramic remains, and bones from both humans and animal were some of the most recent findings at Cenote Xlacah at the Maya archaeological site Dzibilchaltún.
Invasive fish species were being removed from the site when diver Erick Sosa identified a small entrance covered with vegetation in the northeastern part of the popular swimming spot.
On Twitter, Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History wrote in Spanish: “Find out more! Findings in a cave of Xlacah cenote in the Archaeological site Dzibilchaltún are announced.” They linked to a short photo gallery.
¡Entérate de los hallazgos en una caverna del cenote Xlacah, en la #ZonaArqueológica de Dzibilchaltún! 😮 #Fotogalería: https://t.co/7jOqehMt8W pic.twitter.com/uGlpt7Efbb
— INAHmx (@INAHmx) March 27, 2018
Cenote Xlacah is part of Dzibilchaltún, a small Maya archaeological site about 10 miles north of Mérida.
The cenote has been explored only twice, once at the end of the 1950s and then at the end of 1990s.
The waters in this cenote sit at ground level rather than underground. Xlacah is at its peak in May, and swimmer splash in crystalline blue waters amid blooming irises and tiny fish.
Dzibilchaltún is known for its Temple of the Seven Dolls, where clouds recently obscured a Spring Equinox phenomenon.
With information from El Universal

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