For Christmas at Caimede orphanage, songs and games

The children of the Caimede orphanage in Mérida enjoy a festive Christmas. Photo: Caimede

Mérida, Yucatán — To the tune of Christmas carols such as “Ven a Cantar,” “Que ya Llegue la Navidad,” “Campana Sobre Sampana” and “Rodolfo el Rono,” children and adolescents of the Caimede orphanage celebrated Christmas by dancing and exchanging messages of peace.

In the shelter’s multipurpose courtyard, DIF President Sarita Blancarte de Zapata, accompanied by her children Monserrat and Rolando, distributed gifts to the young people who are living under state care.

Santa and a “Snowman” delight the children at Caimede. Photo: Caimede

There were numerous special guests on Christmas Eve morning including a singing “Tatiana,” a talking “Snowman” and, of course, Santa Claus, along with the general director of the social assistance organization, José Limber Sosa Lara.

Also joining in the festivities were Caimede Director Alicia Beatriz Canto Alcocer; the president of the Board of Volunteer Ladies of Caimede, Yuli Chapur de Ricalde; and city council members Diana Herrera Anduze and María Eugenia Monjiote Isaac.

The children also followed tradition by swinging at and eventually breaking an eight-point piñata.

Caimede provides temporary housing for 194 children and adolescents. Because they are minors, we don’t publish photos of their faces.

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