Construction in Mexico City’s subway uncovers new archaeological finds
Recent construction work on Mexico City’s subway system has given way to the discovery of several ancient artifacts.
The recent discoveries include pottery vessels as well as stone sculptures dating to prehispanic times.
Though important, such finds are relatively commonplace given that Mexico City sits upon the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire.
“We are working closely with local authorities to ensure that all artifacts found during work on the subway system can be extracted safely,” said INAH project coordinator Salvador Pulido.
But ensuring that all finds are protected is easier said than done as historically, many of the discoveries made during these types of excavations reveal large funerary complexes and even ceremonial structures.
Discovered in the late 1960s, the Mexica Temple of Ehécatl near the Pio Suarez Subway station demanded a redesign of the entire stop.
Earlier: El Templo Mayor, the great Aztec palace in the heart of Mexico City
But Pino Suarez is by no means the only place in Mexico City’s subway system where evidence of ancient Tenochtitlan can be found. Artifacts placed behind plexiglass can be found in dozens of locations.
In fact, practically everywhere you go in Mexico City, it is possible to find evidence of the city’s ancient past.
But nowhere is this influence more obvious than in the heart of the city’s main square.
“Having to constantly revise construction plans is difficult and can get expensive, but we owe it to our ancestors and future generations,” said Pulido.
Senior Editor Carlos Rosado van der Gracht is a Mexican expedition/Canadian photographer and adventure leader. Born in Mérida, Carlos holds multimedia, philosophy, and translation degrees from universities in Mexico, Canada and Norway.