Coronavirus continues new surge in Yucatan

A rising number of coronavirus cases outpaced recoveries for six of the past seven days in Yucatan, official data indicates.
After demonstrating signs of recovery the second week of October, when daily new COVID infections remained mainly below 100, state health officials Sunday shared discouraging data.
Infections have regularly surpassed 100 a day since Oct. 14. The week’s average number of new cases was 127, compared to 74 two weeks ago. Daily deaths were steady, averaging seven.
On Saturday, Yucatan health officials reported 168 infections, an 11-person spike over Friday and the highest daily total since mid-September.
Six deaths — five male patients and one female, all from Merida — were also reported. The youngest was 24.
Yucatan has counted an official 20,984 coronavirus cases since March, although the true number is considered to be many times higher. Around 82% of the state’s registered COVID-19 patients have recovered, leaving nearly 2,500 dead.
The vast majority of new infections were in Merida; seven in Valladolid, six in Tizimín and Umán, four in Ticul, two in Tekax, and one apiece in Abalá, Akil, Cansahcab, Celestún, Chemax, Tahmek, Temozón, Tetiz, Tixcacalcupul and Yaxkabá.
Comorbidities included hypertension, diabetes, obesity, chronic kidney failure and heart disease, doctors said during Saturday’s briefing.
Of the active cases, 1,078 are recovering at home with mild symptoms while hospitals are caring for 163 patients, one more than the day before.

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