Coronavirus deaths hit 76-day low in Yucatan

A week after the economic reopening was expanded, coronavirus infections and deaths continue to decline in Yucatan.
Monday’s state health ministry briefing reported 104 new infections, the fewest daily figure since Aug. 31. Eight COVID-19 patients died in the last 24 hours, the lowest number reported since June 23.
Fatalities ranged in age from 21 to 72. Four were in Merida while the remaining fatalities hit Dzan, Kanasín, Progreso and Ticul. Comorbidities included hypertension, diabetes, obesity, chronic kidney disease, COPD and immunosuppression.
Authorities warned that it is too soon to gauge the effects of the economic reopening, and warned the public to remain vigilant.
Hospitalizations rose, however, by eight to reach 302, while people with mild symptoms and isolated at home totaled 856.
Showing how widespread infections remain, authorities reported 67 in Merida, eight in Valladolid, four in Tekax and Ticul; two in Dzan, Hunucmá and Progreso; one from out of state; and one each in Buctzotz, Chemax, Dzidzantún, Dzilam González, Kanasín, Kinchil, Motul, Panabá, Peto, Tekit, Tixpéhual, Tizimín, Tzucacab and Yaxkabá.
Infections have totaled 15,973 since the pandemic reached Yucatan in March. Around 80% of the patients recovered. Deaths have reached 2,118 since the first fatality in April.

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