COVID cases continue steady decline as vaccines for teens arrive

Yucatán’s health ministry reported a steady drop in new cases this week. Daily infections averaged around 208, 22 less than the previous seven days.

Daily cases dropped below 200 for the first time in two months when they reached 198 on Thursday, followed by 182 on Friday and 164 on Saturday.

An average of 11 patients died each day compared with 15 last week and 16 in mid-September when daily cases were at 279. One of Saturday’s fatalities was a 15-year-old girl from Tekom who also suffered from immunosuppression and cardiovascular disease.

Two younger Mérida residents with no comorbidities, a 38-year-old woman and a 42-year-old man, also died.

Public hospitalizations were at 148, down 10 in one day. Quarantines for patients with mild symptoms dropped by 29 to reach 1,499.

Vaccines for teens at risk

A shipment of 8,190 Pfizer vaccine doses arrived in Yucatán for residents between 12 and 17 with compromising health issues.

The state agency promises vaccine campaign details in the coming days.

The SSY Director of Prevention and Protection, Carlos Isaac Hernández Fuentes, met a cargo plane at Military Air Base No. 8 to supervise the arrival.

More than 2.3 million vaccines have arrived in Yucatán, government officials said.

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