COVID cases in decline for 5 weeks as deaths reach 16-week low

Weekly coronavirus cases in Yucatan since March 14. A decline in infections began five weeks ago, SSY data shows.

Daily new coronavirus infections in Yucatan surpassed 100 for four out of the past seven days, but overall maintained a steady decline that began five weeks ago.

Health officials also announced that three patients died while battling COVID-19, the lowest daily fatality count since June 7.

Meanwhile, the number of municipalities in Yucatan without any recorded coronavirus cases is down to one. Among 113 infections, the municipality of Cantamayec registered its first, so now only Dzilam de Bravo remains the last of the state’s 106 municipalities without signs of the virus’ spread.

Among these 113 infections, Cantamayec registered its first, and now only the remote municipality of Dzilam de Bravo remains technically COVID-free.

New cases included 49 in Mérida, nine in Tizimín, seven in Peto, six in Valladolid, five in Izamal and Ticul; four in Panabá; three in Chemax, Dzan, Tekax and Umán; three from outside either the state or country; two in Tinum, and one each in Cantamayec, Chacsinkín, Chichimilá, Kanasín, Oxkutzcab, San Felipe, Santa Elena, Sucilá, Tekayó, Temozón and Ucú.

Those who perished were men between 50 and 64 years of age. They all had comorbidities including such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, COPD and immunosuppression. Two of them resided in Merida while the third lived in Progreso.

So far, 2,271 people have died in Yucatan from coronavirus while the total number of case shot past 18,000 for the first time.

Hospitalizations continue to decline, however. Of 744 active cases, 192 require hospital care, 46 fewer patients since Wednesday.

In the last 14 days, Merida neighborhoods with the most infections were Juan Pablo II with 26 cases, Ciudad Caucel with 25, Chuburná with 24, Vergel with 22 cases, Los Héroes with 17, Francisco de Montejo and Pensiones with 15, Santa Fe with 13, Las Américas with 12, Tixcacal Opichén with 11 and Yucalpetén with 9 cases.

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