Decline in COVID deaths continue, but infections rise and fall, and rise again

The Yucatan health ministry reported a decline in daily coronavirus-related deaths for six consecutive days.
Daily coronavirus deaths were as high as 35 as recently as Thursday. But fatalities have fallen bit by bit: to 34 on Friday, then to 32 on Saturday, 30 on Sunday and 28 on Monday. Tuesday’s total fatalities totaled 21.
And while new cases on Tuesday were up by 31, to reach 168, daily totals are so far lower than last week’s, although still in triple digits. Hospitalizations increased by seven while an unknown number of others await a diagnosis.
Of the new infections, 97 were in Merida, 15 in Tekax, six in Ticul, five in Umán, four in Kanasín, three in Oxkutzcab, Progreso, Tizimín and Yaxcucul; two in Acanceh, Dzilam González, Hocabá, Izamal, Timucuy, Tzucacab and Valladolid; two from outside Yucatan; and one case each in Akil, Calotmul, Cansahcab, Celestún, Chocholá, Chumayel, Ixil, Maxcanú, Opichén, Samahil, Seyé, Tekantó and Tunkas.
The fatalities included 11 men and 10 women ranging in age from 56 to 84 years. They also suffered from a variety of other ailments including hypertension, obesity, chronic kidney failure, immunosuppression and heart disease.
Ten who perished were from Mérida and two were from outside either the state or country. Single fatalities were also reported in Kanasín, Dzidzantún, Santa Elena, Baca, Izamal, Tinum, Valladolid, Ticul and Tizimín.
The official recovery rate is 77% although inadequate tracking puts the real number out of reach.
Current patients are in two groups: the 529 who are stable and at home, and the 593 who are in a hospital.

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