
Disco Night will be farewell party for Geo and Door 54

Georgina Kemp has emphasized organic coffee and fresh food at Door 54’s cafe.

Mérida, Yucatán — Being No. 1 on TripAdvisor wasn’t enough to keep Door 54 going. 

After two years, the popular restaurant and gathering place will close on Monday, March 6, according to an announcement first published on The Yucatan Times

Door 54 was more than a place to eat. The corner establishment screened movies, sold furniture and art, and hosted live music events. A steady stream of customers from breakfast to night-caps kept employees working long hours. 

The cafe was run by Georgina Kemp, who was profiled last year on Yucatán Expat Life

“After two years as the heart and soul of Door 54, she [Kemp] deserves a much needed break to unwind and decompress,” said Nic Lavroff, serving as a spokesman for the establishment. “I, for one, would like to thank her for all she’s done to make Mérida a more vibrant place, and to wish her a speedy return should that be her decision.”

Geo, as she is known, send an announcement of her own: 

A thank you note to all of you:
To all my dear friends, Patrons and collaborators, I would like to express a deep appreciation for your support and unconditional friendship. Two years ago I started a project, an adventure that for me meant the realization of making my dream possible of having a coffee shop, to have a space where people could spend a pleasant time, relax and enjoy a good coffee, snacks and music. And in these two years of hard work, thanks to all of you, Door 54 blossomed and I could fulfill part of my intention. Door 54 is and was maintained thanks to you; without you we would not have advanced and have a place in the heart of all of you and respect in the restaurant industry. For personal reasons, I have to separate from Door 54 so I can take a break and spend time with my family. It is a difficult and sad step for me to leave Door 54, but they finish and we must move on. Door 54 will continue to open its doors with new administration and will report information on this later. I want to give special recognition to Nic Lavroff for his constant participation and collaboration on Door 54 with film nights. His contribution was highly valued by all of us who enjoyed those movie nights. Thank you Nic for your friendship! To all of you who became my friends at Door 54, I thank you infinitely for having been and sharing with me this unforgettable experience. I hope that we meet in the future and enjoy a good coffee, sharing and remembering our friendship …. To all of you who made possible my dreamed to be successfu … from my heart …. Thank you, thank you, thank you. … See you soon.
Georgina Kemp, associate owner of Door54

A todos mis queridos Amigos, Pratrocinadores y colaboradores, quiero expresarles un profundo agradecimiento por su apoyo y amistad incondicional para esta su servidora y amiga y Door54 Cafe-Wine-Galery. Hace 2 años emprendi un projecto, una aventura que para mi significaba la realizacion de hacer mi sueño posible de tener una Coffe shop, poder tener un espacio donde las personas pudieran pasar un rato agradable, relajado, disfrutando de un buen cafe, bocadillos y musica relajante. Y en estos 2 años de trabajo arduo, gracias a todos ustedes Door54 florecio y creo pudo cumplir parte de mi intencion. Door54 es y se mantubo gracias a ustedes, sin ustedes no hubieramos avanzado y tener un lugar en el corazon de todos ustedes y de respeto en la industria restaurantera. Por razones personales, su amiga Geo como todos me conocen tengo que separarme de Door54 para poder tomarme un descanso y poder dedicarle tiempo a mi familia. Es para mi un paso dificil y triste el dejar Door54, pero siclos concluyen y debemos seguir adelante. Door54 seguira abriendo sus puertas con nueva administracion y ya mas adelante recibiran informacion al respecto. Quiero dar un especial reconocimiento a Nic Lavroff por su constante participacion y colaboracion en Door54 con las noches de pelicula. Su aportacion a sido muy valorada por todos nosotros quienes disfrutamos esas noches de pelicula. Gracias Nic por tu Amistad! A todos ustedes que se convirtieron en mis amigos en Door54, les doy las gracias infinitas por haber estado y compartiendo conmigo esta experiencia inolvidable. A todos ustedes que se convirtieron en mis amigos en Door54, les doy las gracias infinitas por haber estado y compartiendo conmigo esta experiencia inolvidable. Espero que nos encontremos en un futuro y disfrutemos un buen cafe, compartiendo y recordando nuestra amistad…. A todos, todos mis amigos de Door54 que hicieron posible mi sueño fuera exitoso desde mi corazon…. Gracias, gracias, gracias…. Hasta pronto.. Georgina Kemp dueña asociada of Door54

Geo’s last day will be Saturday, in time for its weekly Disco Night, which will double as a farewell party.

The film series is seeking a new location, said Lavroff. 

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