Dry law likely to be extended again: report

Police with K-9 help inspect a car parked near the main bus terminal in Merida. Photo: Diario de Yucatan

Officials are analyzing the “dry law” that has been enforced in Yucatan for more than a month and is likely to extend it for at least 15 more days, according to sources who spoke to Diario de Yucatan.

The statewide ban on alcohol sales began in April, and was quietly extended another 15 days hours before it was set to end.

If lawmakers do nothing, sales of beer, wine and liquor resume Friday.

But they could, as they did last time, pass a new “ley seca” at the 11th hour on Thursday.

The measure is intended to quell unrest during the pandemic. But unintended consequences of the ban were noted by Diario, Merida’s influential broadsheet newspaper, which reported recent robberies at liquor stores and arrests following clandestine beer sales, which often gouge consumers. While national and foreign beer brands are increasingly scarce, locally made artisanal brands still circulate.

Seven died after drinking bad bootleg liquor in Acanceh.

Banning alcohol didn’t end domestic violence, either. A minor defended his mother from a beating by stabbing his drunken father.

Yucatan is one of the few states in the country with a dry law. Neighboring Quintana Roo still sells alcohol, and is a tempting source of booze for Yucatecans, or anyone who will sell a trunk load at four times the retail price.

When asked if the ban will continue or be allowed to end, the only answer from state sources was: “It is being analyzed,” reported Diario.

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