Dzityá artisans open their workshops to the public on Sunday

Dzityá artisans pledge to open their doors the first weekend of each Month. Photo: Sipse

Dzityá, Yucatán —Artisans will open their workshops to the public for the first time on Sunday.

Famous for their crafts fair each summer, Dzityá artisans specialize in stone and woodwork.

The open house, organized by the Association of Artisan Woodworkers of Dzityá, is in commemoration of Día de Arte on April 15. At two working studios, visitors can talk to artisans and learn more about their crafts.

Some techniques date back centuries, while some newer innovations include organic pigmentation, oils and natural waxes and the use of sustainable wood.

Guests will be invited to participate by sanding or painting, José Secundín Chi told Milenio Novedades.

A small community museum will exhibit old wooden lathes and tools that have been used for 200 years.

The newly formed association, which seeks to give its members official recognition as artisans, plans to hold this open house the first weekend of each month.

The 17th Tunich Fair at Dzityá, the largest event of its kind, is expected to return this summer. Artisans from all around Mexico join the Tunich fair.

Dzityá, a comisaría of Mérida, is 10 minutes north of the city. It is a growing suburb of about 2,000 people.

Figurines depicting regional fruits and animals, vases, plates and tortilla holders are the most popular wooden figures, Stan Kahng writes in Afar. Large sculptures made of local cantera stone are also common.

“You can go to Dzityá any day in the year and you will find a wide variety of handcraft pieces at very local prices,” said Kahng. “In downtown Mérida you will also find some of this handcraft for sale, but the prices will be higher and the assortment won’t be as varied.

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