Fatalities begin to follow rising coronavirus cases in Yucatán

New COVID-related cases and fatalities continued to rise in Yucatán in the last seven days.
New daily infections averaged 116, compared to 106 the week before and 63 the week before that.
Daily fatalities — a lagging indicator — have started to rise along with the infections. Three died on Nov 30, but by Dec. 2, that number shot up to 11, the highest daily total since Oct. 18.
In the 24 hours leading up the health ministry’s Saturday-evening briefing, nine people died and 110 new cases were announced.
Hospitalizations dropped by four, to 137, but the number of patients recuperating at home rose by 80 to reach 855, doctors said.
Coronavirus deaths in Yucatan have totaled 2,735 since April while infections detected by medical personnel have reached 24,450 since March. Because of limited testing, the real number of infections is assumed to be as much as 10 times higher. Yucatan’s official recovery rate is at 84%.
Fatalities included two men and seven women between 44 and 82. Five resided in Mérida, two in Motul, one in Baca and another in Tizimín.
New infections included 85 were in Mérida, three in Kanasín, Peto, Progreso and Tizimín; two in Espita, Umán and Valladolid; one foreigner; and one in Abalá, Baca, Cuncunul, Sucilá, Tixkokob and Tzucacab.
Of these deceased persons, The stable cases to date are 855 stable people, isolated at home, and 137 hospitalized completely isolated. The age range of positive cases is from one month to 99 years.

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