Father, son politicians in Yucatán die from COVID

Former Kanasín Mayor Carlos Canché Baas, District VI PRI candidate for state Congress, died of complications from COVID-19. Photo: Contributed

Two former Kanasín mayors — a father and son — have died while battling coronavirus.

The son, Carlos Canché Baas, had been campaigning to be a Yucatán state legislator. The PRI politician was mayor from 2010 to 2012.

His father, José Nieves Canché Canul, perished June 2, 2020. He was mayor of Kanasín from 1979 to 1981.

Carlos Canché was running for state office as “El Amigo.”

Friends also announced that Carlos Canché’s family is on the hook for over a million pesos in medical bills. They appealed to colleagues and PRI supporters for help.

Carlos was a government official in the Ministry of Rural Development. He was running to be a Yucatán legislator under the slogan “El Amigo.”

Earlier: Samahil mayor is latest politician to die from coronavirus

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