
Flights from Merida to Mazatlan in the works

Map: distancefromto.net

Mazatlan Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres announced he is working with his counterpart in Mérida to connect both cities directly by air.

“We are twinning with the municipal president of Mérida to look for a flight to Merida, Mexico City, Mazatlan, which will be the Tres M project,” Benítez Torres said.

For now, Merida passengers stop in Mexico City before arriving at the Pacific coast resort town of 500,000 people. A direct flight of over 1,000 miles / 1,700 kilometers would take about 4 and-a-half hours, more than an hour quicker than with the layover.

Mazatlan is renowned for sandy beaches, a 21km-long malecón, game fishing, its historic landmarks and the Centro Historico. The modern district Zona Dorada is known for nightlife and hotels.

Direct flights from Merida to the Pacific Coast are hard to find, if not nonexistent. So for travelers setting off from Yucatan, the new route would be desirable.

“There is interest from other cities in participating in the Three M project because we need to strengthen what the state government does; we have to go out to bring more tourism to Mazatlan,” said the mayor, who hinted that Monterrey was miffed not to be included in the plan.

Benítez Torres promised “amazing results,” saying they will travel as often as necessary to hammer out an agreement.

Source: Sinaloa En Linea via Mazatlan Post

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