Fortunate fishermen rescued off Sisal after 9 days at sea

Small fishing boats anchored in Sisal, Yucatán. Photography: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht

After being adrift in the Gulf of Mexico for nine days aboard the vessel “Rey Marino,” five fishermen were rescued in Yucatán.

The fishermen found themselves in this dire situation due to an engine failure approximately 150 kilometers from the coast of Sisal.  

Crew members were forced to eat raw fish during their last three days at sea, as they ran out of butane gas to cook. 

According to Informador, after losing engines the fishing vessel was blown further off course by a strong wind caused by cold front No. 27.

Skipper Manuel Jesús Mena Poot managed to establish communication with another vessel, the “Cristo Negro,” which led to the marine patrol “Demócrata” to rescue the wayward fishermen.

After offering medical assistance, rescuers returned the now-safe fishermen back to land at the port in Yucalpetén. According to the Mexican navy, 505 people were rescued at sea in 2020 by its search and rescue patrol ships.

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