Free wifi begins on Centro Histórico’s streets

An animation from City Hall heralds more free public wifi.

Mérida, Yucatán — The streets of the Centro Histórico are now a free-wifi zone.

The city has installed free internet in the historic center, an 11.6-million-peso initiative that covers 53 city blocks.

Public internet coverage follows the addition of free wifi in 117 public parks, 32 public buildings and along the Paseo de Montejo. After locating the wireless network “AyuntamientodeMerida” on their devices, citizens, expats and tourists can register by email or Facebook account and access the signal.

The new wifi network covers 11 km of streets and runs east to west from Calle 66 to Calle 50, and north to south from Calle 69 to Calle 53.

Reaction on social media ranged from happy citizens grateful for the new service to nay-sayers unhappy that more pedestrians will have their noses buried in electronic devices.

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