Hotel owners place demands before candidates for mayor, governor

Mérida, Yucatán — Hotel owners have high expectations of the next governing administration.
At the II Congreso Turístico, representatives of the hotel sector delivered a package of 55 proposed laws or programs to support tourism in Yucatán. They were presented to the various parties and coalitions entered in the July 1 general election.
Politicians were urged to plan into the next 10 or 15 years, well beyond their terms in office, to help Mérida and Yucatán compete in the tourist sector.
“Yucatan needs to increase economic capacity in aspects such as promotion and develop strategies and proposals so that the state remains in the minds of travel wholesalers, and also among the public and promote the attractions of this international multi-destination,” said Héctor Navarrete Medina, head of chamber of hotel owners.
The hotel group wants an official agency to train tourism personnel. They complain that finding qualified employees is a challenge and employee turnover is very high.
They also want to expand the Pueblos Magicos program, naming more towns in the prestigious roster of Mexico’s most special historic towns and villages.
The new Chicxulub Crater Museum, which is dedicated to the famous asteroid impact thought to have wiped out the dinosaurs, should be moved out of a remote science park and rebuilt at the port town identified with the phenomenon.
Gubernatorial candidate Mauricio Vila Dosal and mayor hopeful Renán Barrera Concha said they would accept the challenge to think longterm about strengthening tourism in Yucatán.
Both candidates have the support of a PAN-Movimiento Ciudadano coalition, and if each win, would join city and state politically for the first time in years.
Source: Press release

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