
Hotel, shopping center to round out Hunucmá’s industrial park

An industrial park outside Mérida will continue growing, with a hotel and shopping center in the works. Photo: Grupo Modelo

Hunucmá, Yucatán — The city’s quickly evolving industrial zone will be a little more welcoming to visitors, if plans for new investments come through.

Hunucmá’s industrial park, recently the site of two big grand openings, will get a business hotel meant for visiting executives, said the head of Economic Development (Sefoe), Ernesto Herrera Novelo.

A giant brewery from Grupo Modelo, and a massive, high-tech bottling plant opened here this year after years of behind-the-scenes negotiations.

A business-class hotel, which will cost 40 million pesos, is “on the table,” said Herrera Novelo, who promised more details “soon.”

A shopping center, representing a 300-million-peso investment, as well as a gas station, will also be built, he said.

Industry continues to settle in Hunucmá’s industrial park. Besides the brewery and container plant, Trymex, a multimodal international transport company, will invest 650 million pesos here this year. The carton company Gondi will build a plant here with a 750 million investment, and a food processing plant, Kekén food, is spending 75 million dollars here. Grupo San Francisco de Asís will develop logistical facilities with investment of 2.4 billion pesos.

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