International Women’s Day a time for action

International Women’s Day was a time for education on the Plaza Grande. Photo: Courtesy

Mérida, Yucatán — On International Women’s Day, Fundacíon BAI took action alongside ally organizations and the City of Merida.

Under a pair of tents at the Plaza Grande, the nonprofit health organization administered 120 rapid HIV tests, counseled over 500 people, distributed over 3,000 male and female condoms and lubricants, as well as lectured workshops about their correct use.

The campaign comprised of five different booths where residents learned more about the work of the participating organizations. Visitors also participated in interactive games to win prizes and flowers distributed with the sponsorship of DKT Mexico and Prudence Condoms.

All of the services were provided totally free of charge and with a gender perspective to make visible the women’s sexual and reproductive rights, said Dr. Carlos Cabrera, director of Fundación BAI.

All the people who tested positive for HIV are being linked to proper treatment and care, he said.

The Mérida-based nonprofit, which depends solely on donations, is dedicated to preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, and to prevent teenage pregnancies in the Yucatán.

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