Irish author makes Cancun a recovery room for aging parents

Irish author Claudia Carroll with her parents. Photo: Irish Independent
Irish author Claudia Carroll with her parents. Photo: Irish Independent

Her parents hit with “a whole tsunami of health calamities,” Dublin author/actress Claudia Carroll has written for the Irish Independent about her experience taking them to the Yucatán Peninsula to spend quality time in Cancun.

In Dublin, Mom was being treated for cancer, and Dad was having eye surgery in another hospital. A very stressful situation for their 40-something daughter.

When the situation stabilized, they vowed to spend a summer together — a “fantasy holiday I had planned in my head for when it was all over…” So they booked a four-week stay in Cancun, Mexico.

What resulted inspired a new series of articles. She raves about the “magical” sensation of stepping out of the airport to feel the heat and humidity. The accommodations — an all-inclusive apartment in an all-inclusive resort — were had at a very reasonable price and blew them away, by her account.

“What will come will come, but till then, I have the most precious memories of that one blissful summer when the three of us were all together and the sun shone,” Carroll writes.

Elsewhere on the Web, Carroll lists her favorite hotels in the world. Several exotic locales are on that list. But the Moon Palace in Cancun is on the top of that list.

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