Madrid to Yucatán: Share your security secrets

Madrid’s city council has invited Yucatan to visit and explain its strategies for maintaining safety. Photo: Getty

Our reputation for safety has crossed the Atlantic. The city council of Madrid, Spain, wants the recipe for Yucatán’s secret sauce.

The municipal body has called on the state government to share its strategies for maintaining security.

The governor’s spokesman, Eric Rubio Barthell, said yesterday that an international meeting in Madrid is scheduled for April.

That is only one aspect of the state’s outreach to international allies. Rubio Barthell said that officials are working to strengthen economic relations with Miami, Houston and Toronto, three cities that link directly to Mérida by air.

Outreach to the north

With Miami, the state administration is looking to increase Yucatecan exports, mainly of crafts and goods created in rural areas. 

From Houston, Yucatán seeks medical, commercial and tourism agreements, while with Toronto, the state sees potential in attracting more Canadian retirees to the Gulf coast.

“We are focusing on the immediate proximity of Miami, Houston and Toronto,” Rubio Barthell said, in Spanish. 

The invitation to Europe reflects Yucatán’s reputation for heading off crime. Violent crime in Yucatán is “extremely rare,” according to Lonely Planet. Statistically, the region has one of the lowest crime rates in Latin America.

“We have an invitation to Madrid for an international meeting that will address the issue of safe zones, cities and states in the world, and they chose us to say why Yucatán is an internationally famous state,” he said.

Source: Sipse

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