Video: Mayan Balloon Festival lights the skies once again in Tahmek

The rural community of Tahmek was at center stage Saturday night when the Tahmek Mayan Balloon Festival sent aloft handiwork from artisans from across Mexico and Colombia.
El Festival del Globo Maya de Tahmek continues today at 6 p.m. with crafts and a gastronomic exhibition.
Crowds packed the grounds in contrast to 2021 when pandemic protocols forced a socially-distanced affair. Balloons were launched from individual doorways rather than in a festival atmosphere.
Although the tradition has been celebrated for over 14 years, the municipality started to promote the event as a festival in 2019.
Mayor Neyda María Heredia Leal thanked the authorities for their support and explained that the purpose of the festival is to make Tahmek known as a place where balloon artisans can promote their crafts and improve the economy.
Participating groups included “Itlan de Hüi” and “Turma Chincocuac” from the State of Mexico; “Don Nabor balloons” from Morelos, “Turma Tlaloc” and “Tlayoli” from Mexico City, “Titans” and “Rock World” from Veracruz; “Cantóyuz,” “Globos Tlatoany,” “Arte y Tradición,” “Grupo Araquen” and “Truma Arte y Vida” of Michoacán; as well as special guests “Tradición Prohibida” — or “Forbidden Tradition” — from Medellín, Colombia.

From Yucatán, “Daniel Art”, “Globos JC” and “Turma Maya” from Tixkokob were present; “T Globo” from Mérida and “Globos Nueva Era,” “Artisans of Tahmek,” and Taller de Globos of the local Casa de la Cultura.

Likewise, the families visited the handicrafts pavilion where the artisans from Hoctún, Homún, Xocchel, Timucuy, Tahmek, Seyé, Huhí, Hocabá, and Sotuta were represented.
The state Youth Folkloric Ballet delighted the spectators with presentations titled Fiesta en Quintana Roo, Fandango Veracruzano, and Campeche de Mis Amores.

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