Mayan women sought to run for public office in ’18

Mérida, Yucatán — In an effort to empower indigenous women to participate politically in the electoral process in 2018, the National Electoral Institute (INE) in coordination with the Institute for the Development of Maya Culture of Yucatan (INDEMAYA) implemented the Workshop for Training and Strengthening Political Participation of Indigenous Women.

During a recent workshop, a series of materials developed in coordination with the Simone de Beauvoir Leadership Institute, designed to empower Mayan women on issues of political and electoral participation, was distributed, said Irma Moreno Valle, of INE.
This is the first workshop of its kind to be implemented throughout the country, said Moreno Valle. By law, political parties must nominate candidates in gender parity and all women, regardless of party.
This workshop, she added, is to help women overcome years of a triple bias: against women, against older people and against indigenous people.
The director of INDEMAYA, Rosario Cetina Amaya, called the workshop “an unprecedented event in Yucatán state history.”

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