Mexico’s newest airport has no restaurants or even running water in bathrooms

Just a few days since it first opened, Mexico’s newest airport has come under intense criticism.
Travelers have taken to social media to complain about the airport’s limited amenities, including a lack of food and bathrooms without running water.
The design of the airport, which ended up being built by the federal government, was so off the mark from its plans, that the project’s lead architect has publicly come out to distance himself from it.
“This is simply not what I designed. I see several significant changes and flaws with how this project turned out and want to make that clear,” said Francisco González, the airport’s original architect.
The president has come out to defend the airport and referred to those with complaints as spoiled and overly critical.
“Unlike past governments, we actually accomplish what we promise. The results are evident,” said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
However, even federal government officials have had to admit that several facilities were not ready in time for the airport’s opening.
At the moment, the Felipe Angeles airport is receiving just under 20 flights a day, a far cry from the hundreds projected by the government.
Photos on social media have also shown brand new construction beginning to crack or even collapse, as was the case with a poorly built flag mast.
Earlier: Mexico’s newest airport bathroom turns heads on social media
Given the lack of services offered at the airport, a handful of entrepreneurial locals simply walked in and began selling food.
A woman identified as Carmen by the national media has become an overnight celebrity for her nondescript tlayuda stand in the airport’s reception area.
“I just saw an opportunity. I had no idea selling my tlayudas here would make national news. I just hope people like them,” said the vendor.
The Felipe Ángeles International Airport began construction shortly after the start of López Obrador’s term. This was after the president stopped construction at another airport begun in Texcoco by his predecessor, allegedly for political reasons.
The new airport is intended to focus on low-cost and cargo airlines to help relieve Mexico City’s international airport congestion.

Senior Editor Carlos Rosado van der Gracht is a Mexican expedition/Canadian photographer and adventure leader. Born in Mérida, Carlos holds multimedia, philosophy, and translation degrees from universities in Mexico, Canada and Norway.