Motorcyclist dies hitting memorial for an earlier fatal crash

A man on Dzilam González-Buctzotz road died when he crashed his motorcycle into a memorial niche built on the roadside for another motorcyclist who perished on the same spot. Photo: Agencies

A Buctzotz man, speeding around a curve, was killed Sunday afternoon when his motorcycle crashed into a niche built on the roadside. The victim died instantly when his head hit the small structure.

The memorial was erected to contain the remains of another motorcyclist who died in the same spot on the Dzilam González-Buctzotz highway.

Police said alcohol was a factor in the 3 p.m. crash. The victim, who was not named, was also not wearing a helmet, according to local media reports.

Police from Dzilam cordoned off the area until authorities removed the body.

Source: Reporteros Hoy

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