Mundo Maya museum to be open at night

Where to go after dark this summer? Why, the museum of course.
Hoteliers and other entrepreneurs in the tourism industry met yesterday at the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya to preview nighttime programs that begin Friday, July 1. They are being encouraged to send visitors to the museum for special programs that will be on the calendar each Thursday-Sunday until Aug. 15.
The museum itself will be free to all visitors from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. during this time.
Outside, vivid light-and-sound spectatulars will take advantage of the darkness, highlighting the museum’s dynamic architecture while depicting scenes and sounds of Mayan culture. The program, called “Yucama’ya’ab,” will be on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, splashed on the museum’s walls facing the highway.
The Secretary of Tourism, Saul Ancona Salazar; and the museum director, Laura Ramírez Rasgado, said that their challenge is to ensure that these spaces help visitors interrelate with the region’s heritage and cultural history.
In addition, an exhibition at the museum’s art gallery debuts July 1 to celebrate the upcoming 100th anniversary of the Mexican Constitution of 1917.
Film screenings, theater performances, musical and thematic tours are also planned, all enlightening visitors about the Maya world.
Opened in 2012, the museum occupies an area of just over two hectares next to the Siglo XXI Convention Center.

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