NatGeo reveals Yucatan’s hidden temple interiors

Virual-technology will reveal the secrets of the archaelogical ruins at Oxkintok. Photo: Wikipedia

Mérida, Yucatán — The NatGeo channel is sharing Yucatán’s most ancient secrets with all of Mexico.

“Misterios del Inframundo,” or “Mysteries of the Underworld,” tests new technologies to explore the rituals, life and death of Mexico’s pre-Hispanic civilizations.

One segment focuses on the exploration of the Maya underworld, particularly in the Río Secreto nature reserve in Playa del Carmen, as well as the Puuc-region archaeological zone of Oxkintok, Yucatán, 70 km south of the capital city.

At Oxkintok, researchers used high-tech tools to perform a scan of sealed three-level labyrinth to generate a virtual-reality map, which will be featured on the program.

The site is accessed in person via the Campeche highway from Monday to Sunday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission is 50 pesos.

Andrés Ruzo , a Nicaraguan-Peruvian explorer from National Geographic, and Fabian Amador, a well-known Salvadoran archaeologist, host the program.

The ancient Latin American civilizations believed in life after death, and in the need to worship their gods to continue the cycle of life. Great pyramids, underwater mazes and passages built to reach a divine power were, until now, almost impossible to access.

But digital technology has changed all that. Excavations and sites never seen before have been revealed, not just to researchers, but also to mass audiences.

The series of hour-long programs0 begins in Mexico Sunday at 8 p.m., on Channel 403 for Izzi subscribers in Mérida. A U.S. or Canadian broadcast schedule was not provided.

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