New details cast uncertainty over Guns N’ Roses concert

Yucatecan fans of Guns N’ Roses are hoping that poor planning and COVID-19 don’t get in the way of the concert scheduled for Oct. 6 at Xmatkuil’s fairgrounds. Photo: Courtesy

The upcoming Guns N’ Roses concert scheduled at Xmatkuil has not received any permits from Yucatán’s government, an official source said.

State authorities confirmed that they have been waiting for the private company hosting the concert to begin filing paperwork, but that so far none has been forthcoming. 

According to Mérida’s city hall, concert organizers expressed interest in applying for city permits on June 28, but have failed to follow through.

Reports that the concert has not yet been approved by city or state authorities have dampened the spirits of many rock fans who have been skeptical about the October event ever since it was first announced. 

Permits aside, fans are concerned that the worsening COVID-19 situation in the state will throw a monkey wrench into their concert-going plans. 

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Over the past week, memes and videos have been making the rounds on social media poking fun at Guns N’ Roses fans, and what many see as exorbitant ticket prices.

Tickets have been reported to range in cost from around 2,000 to 11,000 pesos. But it is unclear if these prices are accurate, as they were sourced from a Facebook group for fans of Guns N’ Roses guitarist, Slash. 

It had been previously reported that Guns N’ Roses would headline at Yucatán’s Xmatkuil state fair, but it was later clarified that the band will be playing on the fairgrounds for a stand-alone event. 

Though they have never before played in Yucatán, Guns N’ Roses are not strangers to Mexico. The band famously headlined a Mexico City music festival in March 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic was starting to build.

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